Thursday, December 29, 2016

Top 10 Most Effective Job Search Websites

1. – The Monster of Online Job Hunting

Whenever anyone needs access to job markets across the world, Monster is an obvious place to start. Monster has grown into the largest job search site on the Internet, and serves just about every community across the world.
What makes the Monster of job search sites so useful is that the "International Search" will net you a pretty nice catch of job opportunities all across the globe. Of course, Monster also offers a free "home page", a place for you to post your resume, and an entire section of some pretty cool "career tools" to help you research every step of the job hunting process.

2. – An Obvious Choice Among Job Search Websites 

I guess when it comes to finding a job, visiting a website like makes sense. Like Monster, it is one of the few job search websites that offers the ability to search Internationally.
Under "Additional Search Options", you can search from general areas of the globe, such as Middle East, United Kingdom or Pacific Rim. The site boasts over 700,000 listings, and they all seem fairly current. It also has the ability to publish your resume so that employers can view it.

3. HotJobs – When You Can’t Get Enough of Job Hunting 

Yahoo! Hotjobs is definitely Monster’s greatest competition. One of the things that Yahoo is very good at is providing content, and job seekers who visit the Hotjobs job search website are going to get exactly that.The site itself has the same "look and feel" of other Yahoo pages, and it has lots of articles and widgets from tools like Yahoo Answers. Aside from all that bonus content, it offers a powerful job search engine that includes many thousands of listings from all throughout the world.
search engine that includes many thousands of listings from all throughout the world.

4. Net Temps – Full or Part Time Jobs

Net-Temps is primarily a website devoted to temporary workers who were looking for the "next gig.". However, it is not a whole lot difference than the rest of the job search websites, except for the fact that it allows job hunters to filter search results by temp or full-time work.
For most folks looking for a job, the difference is irrelevant – they need a job to pay the bills. But for freelancers who work for themselves, temp jobs give them the flexibility of a short term client contract, so that afterwards the freelancer can move on to the next job in their schedule. 

5. Indeed  – Simple and Effective

This site is quite a job search engine indeed! Sick of sifting through dozens of individual job search sites? Indeed is a job meta-search engine which means that employers don’t actually have to list jobs with Indeed. Much like how Dogpile provides results from multiple search engines like Google and Yahoo, Indeed offers you job listings from not only sites like Hotjobs and CareerBuilder, but even the individual employer websites – now that’s cool. 

6. CareerBuilder – The Name Says It All

There’s little question that CareerBuilder is one of the "big boys" of the job search websites. Like Monster and Hotjobs, you’ll find a resume posting section, the ability to find jobs by company or industry, and a very cool "job alerts" feature. What sets CareerBuilder apart from the others? Not a lot. But if you need another source that may have job listings the others don’t – it’s best to check it out, as there are quite a library of job listings stored there.

7. All Job Search – It Really Does Search Them All

AllJobSearch’s claim to fame is it’s ability, like Indeed, to search through multiple sources. The service covers the U.S., Canada and the UK. It boasts the ability to search over 200 websites, over 500 newspapers and over 300 newsgroups. Impressive.

Unfortunately, you’re provided a list of links to outside sources like an online newspaper or Monster, and if you click the link, AllJobSearch will automatically search that engine with your job search terms. While it probably saves time searching for the many job sources around the Net, it doesn’t exactly provide the search results as you’d normally expect.

8. Simply Hired – You’re Hired!

I have to say, of all of the job listings sites that you’ll find on the web, SimplyHired takes the cake simply for the sites "tools" section, where you’ll find some of the coolest widgets, like email alerts, trend research and salary information broken down by location and occupation. If you haven’t yet decided what you want to be when you grow up – this is the first site you should visit.

9. – It’s Good Enough for Gov’ment Work

One of the world’s wealthiest countries in the world is also one of the world’s largest employers. The U.S. Federal government has its own giant online job database that you can search under whatever industry or discipline you’re interested in.

These jobs are worldwide, and the U.S. government isn’t shy about listing the actual salary ranges right there in the listing. Some of those salaries aren’t too shabby either.

10. College Recruiter – Not Only for Students

Over the years, employers got into the habit of going to college career centers to advertise their entry level positions. In fact, sometimes those are the only places they’ll advertise those openings. The CollegeRecruiter search engine is networked with 11,000 career sites around the country including college, university and military offices. Yes, these are entry level positions, but when you want to get your foot in the door, taking an entry level position is often the best way to go.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

How can I get a job at Facebook or Google in 6 months?

Follow these 10 steps  and eventually you may be in good position to apply to these companies
  1. Stick to one programming language, make sure you can code with absolute ease in this language. I am sure Google and FB dont have affinity to one specific language.Code them on Linux or Mac preferably. They are Unix variants 
  2. Get yourself a good book on Algorithms and data structures
  3. Complete the book so that you get the hang of all basic algorithms and data structures. (Book,Data Structures Using C)
  4. Learn other computer basics like OS concepts, bit programming, networking and about data bases(Preferably The world's most popular open source database (MySql) should be enough)
  5. Understand that you have just completed the course and you are still not expert in Algorithms!
  6. Now you need to sharpen your coding and algo skills, which should be taken  in parallel.
  7. Fork some small and famous  Build software better, together (Git)  projects and try understanding the code and if possible try contributing to it. This will ensure that you code the right way!
  8. Participate in topcoder or codechef or codesprint. These sites have practice problems which will sharpen your algorithms skill.
  9. I find Programming Interviews has some awesome explanations to very nice problems from a IITian if you can follow Indian English accent.
  10. Please glance back what ever you learn in these days and make sure you dont forget what you learn

Guide for Technical Development        

          Having a solid foundation in Computer Science is important to become a successful Software Engineer. This guide is a suggested path for university students to develop their technical skills academically and non-academically through self paced hands-on learning. You may use this guide to determine courses to take, but please make sure you are taking courses required for your major in order to graduate. The online resources    provided in this guide are not meant to replace courses available at your university. However, they may help supplement your learning or provide an introduction to a topic.         
 Using this guide:         
  • Please use this guide at your discretion          
  • There may be other things you want to learn or do outside of this guide - go for it!          
  • Checking off all items in this guide does not guarantee a job at Google          
  • This guide will evolve or change - check back for updates          
                   Recommendations for Academic Learning                 
  •    Introduction to CS Course           
                  Take Introduction to Computer Science courses that provide basic instructions on coding.            
                  Online resources: Udacity - intro to CS courseCoursera - Computer Science 101           
  •   Code in at least one object oriented programming language: C++, Java, or Python           
                  Beginner Online Resources: Coursera - Learn to Program: The  FundamentalsMIT Intro to Programming in JavaGoogle's Python ClassCoursera - Introduction to PythonPython Open Source               E-Book           
                  Intermediate Online Resources: Udacity's Design of Computer ProgramsCoursera - Learn to Program: Crafting Quality CodeCoursera - Programming LanguagesBrown University - Introduction to Programming Languages           
  •   Learn other Programming Languages           
                  Notes: Add to your repertoire - JavaScript, CSS & HTML; Ruby; PHP; C; Perl; shell script; Lisp and Scheme.            
                  Online Resources: - HTML TutorialCodecademyUdacity - Mobile Web DevelopmentUdacity - HTML5 Game Development           
  • Test Your Code           
                  Notes: Learn how to catch bugs, create tests, and break your software            
                  Online Resources: Udacity - Software Testing MethodsUdacity - Software Debugging           
  • Develop logical reasoning and knowledge of discrete math           
                  Online Resources: MIT Mathematics for Computer Science, Coursera - Introduction to Logic, Coursera - Linear and Discrete Optimization, Coursera - Probabilistic Graphical Models,               Coursera - Game Theory            
  • Develop strong understanding of Algorithms and Data Structures           
                  Notes: Learn about fundamental data types (stack, queues, and bags), sorting algorithms (quicksort, mergesort, heapsort), data structures (binary search trees, red-black trees, hash tables), and Big O.            
                  Online Resources: MIT Introduction to Algorithms, Coursera Introduction to Algorithms Part 1 & Part 2List of  AlgorithmsList of Data Structures, Book:The Algorithm Design Manual           
  • Develop a strong knowledge of operating systems           
                  Online Resources: UC Berkeley Computer Science 162           
  • Learn UX Design           
                  Online Resources: Udacity - UX Design for Mobile Developers           
  • Learn Artificial Intelligence           
                  Online Resources: Stanford University - Introduction               to RoboticsNatural Language ProcessingMachine Learning           
  • Learn how to build compilers           
                  Online Resources: Coursera - Compilers           
  • Learn cryptography           
                  Online Resources: Coursera - CryptographyUdacity - Applied  Cryptography           
  • Learn Parallel Programming           
                  Online Resources: Coursera - Heterogeneous Parallel Programming           
  • Work on project outside of the classroom.           
                  Notes: Create and maintain a website, build your own server, or build a robot.            
                  Online Resources: Apache List of ProjectsGoogle Summer of CodeGoogle Developer Group           
  • Work on a small piece of a large system (codebase), read and understand existing code, track down documentation, and debug things.           
                  Notes: GitHub is a great way to read other people’s code or contribute to a project.            
                  Online Resources: GitHubKiln           
  • Work on project with other programmers.           
                  Notes: This will help you improve your ability to work well in a team and enable you to learn from others.            
  • Practice your algorithmic knowledge and coding skills           
                  Notes: Practice your algorithmic knowledge through coding competitions like CodeJam or ACM’s International Collegiate Programming Contest.            
                  Online Resources: CodeJamACM ICPC           
  • Become a Teaching Assistant           
                  Helping to teach other students will help enhance your knowledge in the subject matter.            
  • Internship experience in software engineering           
                  Notes: Make sure you apply for internships well in advance of the period internships take place. In the US, internships take place during the summer, May-September. Applications are usually accepted several months in advance.             

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