Short Message Service (SMS) text messages are ubiquitous for communication all over the world. It is easy to send SMS text messages from a Python application using a web application programming interface (API). Let's take a look at the tools we need to quickly add SMS capability to our Python apps.
Tools We Need
This guide works with both Python 2 and 3, so make sure you have one of those two versions installed.
- Either Python 2 or 3
- Way2sms account
run the following code in Python 2 or 3 script
Download the above code from below link
import urllib2 import cookielib from getpass import getpass import sys import os from stat import * def sendNotification(message, number): #message = "HII HELLO" #number = "9603592104" username = "put your way3sms username" passwd = "put your way3sms paswword" message = "+".join(message.split(' ')) #logging into the sms site url ='' data = 'username='+username+'&password='+passwd+'&Submit=Sign+in' #For cookies cj= cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) #Adding header details opener.addheaders=[('User-Agent','Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.120')] try: usock, data) except IOError: print "error" #return() jession_id =str(cj).split('~')[1].split(' ')[0] send_sms_url = '' send_sms_data = 'ssaction=ss&Token='+jession_id+'&mobile='+number+'&message='+message+'&msgLen=136' opener.addheaders=[('Referer', ''+jession_id)] try: sms_sent_page =,send_sms_data) except IOError: print "error" #return() print "success" #return () sendNotification('HI HELLO','put receiver mombile number')
Get multiple bulk SMS API on our platform Msgclub. Some of the widely use APIs are HTTP, XML and JSON
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